23 March 2021

Adieu à Hervé Muller, mort d'un rock critic

"La triste news est tombée hier, notre confrère et ami Hervé Muller a été retrouvé mort, chez lui à Paris, par les pompiers. C’est sa sœur Sylvie Muller qui l’a confirmé hier. Le journaliste et auteur, né dans l’est de la France et agé de 72 ans, souffrait depuis les années 80 de fibromyalgie, une maladie rare qui lui occasionnait, entre autres, de terribles troubles du sommeil. Entre la fin des 60’s et celle des 70’s, cet ami intime de Jim Morrison aura collaboré à BEST, Actuel, Rock & Folk, Libé et le Matin de Paris."

Gonzo Music

06 March 2021

The Doors: "The Fire's Still Burning" (MTV special, 1984)


"An MTV special on The Doors, which aired sometime during the summer of 1984. Features interviews with the band members (as well as showing what they were doing at the time) and author Danny Sugerman. Kudos to MTV for letting them do it their way. For the curious, here's the video that Ray was working on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soqI8...This was the only time I remember seeing it on there, so it was a good thing that the VCR was up and running. The quality isn't that bad for being from the '80s, but the tape is starting to show its age (especially during the interview parts with Ray), so we have to deal with things like that. 
Dedicated to all Doors fans who missed this one, or haven't seen it in years."
