"This fall, the Northern Illinois University dancers are reprising “Weird Scenes Inside the Goldmine,” the original dance created by professor Judy Chitwood based on the music and life of rock legend Jim Morrison and The Doors."
"A nostalgic memoir revealing the story of Jim Morrison’s first love, a long-lost friendship, and the man who existed before the Doors.
In the spring of 1965, Bill Cosgrave was smuggled across the border into the United States after receiving an irresistible invitation from his friend Mary Werbelow. Upon arriving at her apartment in Los Angeles, Mary introduced Bill to her boyfriend, Jim Morrison. The two men quickly bonded."
"Come on, come on, come on, come on—THE SOFT PARADE: 50TH ANNIVERSARY DELUXE EDITION is now available! Hand-numbered lithographs of the album’s interior gatefold artwork are also up in The Doors’ official store while supplies last."