26 December 2021

Inside Joan Didion’s Entry Into Hollywood With Jim Morrison, Al Pacino and More


"Didion and the Dunne brothers’ ideas for casting their film were unorthodox but right in step with what Hollywood deemed hip in 1970. They wanted Jim Morrison of The Doors to make his screen debut as the drug addict Bobby in “The Panic in Needle Park."

The Wrap


23 December 2021

R.I.P. Joan Didion, 1934-2021

"In the Spring of 1968, famed journalist and novelist Joan Didion spent the evening at a sound studio in Los Angeles waiting for Jim Morrison to show up."



17 December 2021

Eve Babitz died peacefully today


"Mirandi Babitz, my cousin, Evie's sister, will post soon. Just letting friends know that Eve Babitz died peacefully today at 3:31 PM."



15 December 2021

Robby's long-time bassist Phil Chen has passed away


"Very sad news to report that Robby's long-time bassist Phil Chen has passed away. Phil was a part of Robby's first "post-Doors band" in 1973 (Butts Band) and joined Ray Manzarek and Robby for a decade of touring with D21C in the 2000s."



08 December 2021

The Doors : l'album, une notice d'écoute - Serge de Bono


"Cette notice a pour ambition de décupler votre plaisir d’écoute du premier album et chef-d’œuvre des Doors, publié en janvier 1967. Les analyses de chacune de ses 11 plages s'appuient sur des sources soigneusement recoupées. Elles abordent en premier lieu les textes – majeurs chez les Doors ! – puis l'interprétation musicale par les quatre membres du groupe. Ramassé et compact, ce livret vous évitera de vous disperser sur le web tout en écoutant l’album : c'est un véritable « tout-en-un » qui vous est ici proposé, riche en découvertes."

Éditions AO - André Odemard


09 November 2021

Open The Doors - Philippe Margotin


"Coauteur de la série de livres "La Totale" au succès mondial (The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan...), Philippe Margotin se penche ici sur la carrière météoritique des Doors entre 1967 et 1971, en nous proposant une « réécoute écrite » des 6 albums mythiques de The Doors à L.A. Woman, de même que ceux parus après la disparition de Morrison."



23 October 2021

Jim Morrison : Un poète américain - Gorian Delpâture


"Cinquante ans après sa mort, Gorian Delpâture nous emmène dans le lieu le plus intime, le plus inaccessible de l’artiste Jim Morrison : la psyché du poète."



07 October 2021

Patricia Devaux has died

"It is with great sadness that I announce that my dear friend and Doors fan extraordinaire Patricia Devaux has died after a long illness. She translated a lot of Jim’s poetry into French, small volumes, and most notably a huge collection of his works that came out in 1993."



24 September 2021

Le Monde selon Jim - Bruno Geneste


"Il s’agit d’un récit qui recèle plusieurs niveaux de lecture, avec des images, des visions, vues et vécues à travers son propre regard comme un miroir ou un reflet de celles pouvant avoir été ressenties par Morrison lui-même.
Bruno Geneste parvient dans cet ouvrage à redonner une parole vivante au chanteur des Doors. Dans une étrange communion, il réhabilite le poète, lui redonne tout le sens profond de sa démarche littéraire. Il marche avec lui sur les grèves de plumes et de varechs. Il ressuscite le Roi Lézard dans une psychanalyse verbale d’une teneur émotionnelle, sincère et envoûtante.
C’est ici-même que les poètes des limites se rejoignent, dans les confluents des mémoires, des cris et des images introspectives cueillies dans les lumières noires et les flux des marées incessantes."

maelstrom reevolution


related link (8 november 2021)

21 September 2021

The Original Jim Morrison super 8 film of Pam Courson in Corsica, France cemetery 1971


"Jim Morrison shot this super 8 film of Pam Courson during their 10 day tour of Corsica, France in mid May 1971."


20 August 2021

Rest In Peace Alain Ronay

"Rest In Peace Alain Ronay, one of Jim Morrison's close friends from UCLA film school."



23 July 2021

Patricia Kennealy Morrison, Gone at 74

"American SF & mystery author Patricia Kennealy Morrison has died in her sleep. She was 74.

Morrison’s published works include rock criticism, a memoir, and two series of science fiction/fantasy and murder mystery novels. Her books are evenly divided between the series The Keltiad and The Rock & Roll Murders: The Rennie Stride Mysteries."

11 July 2021

Report - Global News


"It's hard to believe it's been 50 years because in 1967, more than 50 years ago, I was driving my car listening to "Light my fire" on the radio in the summer of love."


10 July 2021

FNAC TALKS | Jim Morrison e a L.A. Woman


"Álvaro Costa, apresentador e radialista, e Marco Mendes, escritor, vieram à FNAC NorteShopping conversar sobre o vocalista dos Doors, que marcou o rock dos anos 60."


09 July 2021

New Jim Morrison Documentary Coming

"(...) Jim Morrison will be the subject of a new feature-length documentary that will focus on the totality of his artistry."



01 July 2021

A renaissance man in Paris - Massimo Piscaglia


"(...) 𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑚𝑜 𝑃𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑎, il vicepresidente del nostro Fan Club ha scritto un libro/saggio sulle molteplicità dell'arte di Jim."



30 June 2021

Jim Morrison e lo sciamanesimo - Mario Ferrentino


"Per spiegare ciò cui ha dato vita Jim Morrison, questo saggio si avvale dell'antropologia e della storia per analizzare le sfaccettature di una personalità che racchiude in sé i miti indiani, atavici, e le leggende spirituali del mondo "altro". Nelle notti di Los Angeles nasce un mito che diventa emblema di una generazione, portavoce di un mondo che cambia a ritmo di beat e rock'n'roll. Come un documentario fotografico degli anni Sessanta, il libro descrive un quadro storico e culturale che ha aperto le menti a nuove visioni, con la Beat Generation, la New Age e il Festival di Woodstock. Attraverso un approccio velatamente tecnico cerca di far luce sulla figura dello sciamano, al fine di poter comprendere meglio i punti in comune con Jim Morrison. Quando Jim sceglie di fare musica con i Doors regala alla storia del rock le sue migliori performance "sciamaniche", quelle che ancora oggi, a mezzo secolo dalla scomparsa, ipnotizzano milioni di fan."



18 June 2021

Set the Night on Fire - Robby Krieger

"Through a series of vignettes, Robby Krieger takes readers back to where it all happened: the pawn shop where he bought his first guitar; the jail cell he was tossed into after a teenage drug bust; his parents’ living room where his first songwriting sessions with Jim Morrison took place; the empty bars and backyard parties where The Doors played their first awkward gigs; the studios where their iconic songs were recorded; and the many concert venues that erupted into historic riots. SET THE NIGHT ON FIRE is packed with never-before-told stories from The Doors’ most vital years, and offers a fresh perspective on the most infamous moments of the band’s career."

Little, Brown and Company


related link (30 september 2021)

03 June 2021

A Pesaro i Paradisi artificiali dall’1 al 3 Luglio

"Ma nella giornata centrale del week end pesarese ci sarà spazio anche per un momento musicale dedicato al “poeta maledetto” Jim Morrison, per rivivere le sue esperienze e le sue ispirazioni. Sabato 3 Luglio 2021 a cinquant’anni dalla morte dello straordinario cantautore, avvenuta a Parigi il 3 Luglio 1971, il giornalista e conduttore televisivo Carlo Massarini ne ripercorrerà la vita e la carriera artistica. Ad accompagnare l’ospite durante il philoshow sarà l’ensemble musicale Factory, che ammalierà il pubblico eseguendo dal vivo i brani più celebri di Morrison, davanti ai suggestivi videoclip proiettati dalla regia.

“Con i Doors musica, filosofia, poesia, arte e cultura pop si uniscono in un’esperienza creativa e visionaria unica nel suo genere – spiega Lucrezia Ercoli –. Popsophia, celebrando l’anniversario della morte di Jim Morrison, vuole far risuonare il linguaggio esoterico del poeta maledetto del rock che attraverso la musica vuole aprire “le porte della percezione”, come recita il verso del poeta William Blake che dà il nome al gruppo.” La giornata verrà realizzata in collaborazione con The Doors Italian FanClub e con il co-fondatore pesarese Massimo Piscaglia."



28 May 2021

Alta Cienega Motel – Home of Jim Morrison Room – is Up for Lease


"It appears the Alta Cienega Motel, located at 1005 N. La Cienega Boulevard is closed and up for lease. Real estate site LoopNet.com describes the motel known for its Jim Morrison Room, as a rare hospitality opportunity in the heart of West Hollywood."

WeHo Times


22 May 2021

Jim Morrison : Cuando la música acabe apaga las luces - Alberto Manzano


"Cincuenta años después de la desaparición de Jim Morrison, ocurrida el 3 de julio de 1971 en París, y envuelta en el más profundo misterio, este libro quiere celebrar la vida del músico-poeta y cantante de los Doors, cuya obra, filosófica, esotérica y transgresora, inmersa en el ardor de la contracultura norteamericana y los estertores del hipismo, trató de liberar a la gente de su limitado modo de ver y sentir la vida."



23 April 2021

New Jim Morrison Book! Stronger Than Dirt. Ridin’ Jim Morrison’s HWY Until The End


"Subtitled 'Thoughts on the 50th anniversary of Jim Morrison's death', this book reflects on the fact that, this year, the legendary lead singer of The Doors 'broke on through to the other side' half a century ago. In addition, author Fred Baggen shares in this 'memoir fanatique' his personal memories of being introduced to the band's music almost forty years ago, and how this would completely dominate – sometimes overshadow – his life for several decades. Bilingual edition (English / Dutch)."



23 March 2021

Adieu à Hervé Muller, mort d'un rock critic

"La triste news est tombée hier, notre confrère et ami Hervé Muller a été retrouvé mort, chez lui à Paris, par les pompiers. C’est sa sœur Sylvie Muller qui l’a confirmé hier. Le journaliste et auteur, né dans l’est de la France et agé de 72 ans, souffrait depuis les années 80 de fibromyalgie, une maladie rare qui lui occasionnait, entre autres, de terribles troubles du sommeil. Entre la fin des 60’s et celle des 70’s, cet ami intime de Jim Morrison aura collaboré à BEST, Actuel, Rock & Folk, Libé et le Matin de Paris."

Gonzo Music

06 March 2021

The Doors: "The Fire's Still Burning" (MTV special, 1984)


"An MTV special on The Doors, which aired sometime during the summer of 1984. Features interviews with the band members (as well as showing what they were doing at the time) and author Danny Sugerman. Kudos to MTV for letting them do it their way. For the curious, here's the video that Ray was working on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soqI8...This was the only time I remember seeing it on there, so it was a good thing that the VCR was up and running. The quality isn't that bad for being from the '80s, but the tape is starting to show its age (especially during the interview parts with Ray), so we have to deal with things like that. 
Dedicated to all Doors fans who missed this one, or haven't seen it in years."


24 February 2021

Cut Me While I'm Hot - Dr. Joe Ferry


"It is a tour of Dr. Ferry's life from being a lovesick teen trying to impress his girlfriend at The Beatles Shea Stadium concert, to experiences on the road with numerous bands, to recording sessions with Barbra Streisand, Dr. John, and many others. Dr. Ferry describes his encounters with Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, and Janis Joplin, bringing readers full circle from beginning to present day."

Digital Journal


23 February 2021

We are delighted to announce THE COLLECTED WORKS OF JIM MORRISON

"We are delighted to announce THE COLLECTED WORKS OF JIM MORRISON—an almost 600-page anthology of the writings of the late poet.
Created in collaboration with Jim Morrison’s estate and inspired by a posthumously discovered list entitled “Plan for Book,” this landmark publication is the definitive opus of his creative output—and the book he intended to publish.
Throughout, a compelling mix of 160 visual components accompanies the text: excerpts from his 28 privately held notebooks—all written in his own hand and published here for the first time—as well as an array of personal images and commentary on the work by Morrison himself. Almost 50 percent of this volume has never been published before.
The book is now available for pre-order and will be available on June 8, 2021, wherever books are sold: https://found.ee/dCjt"



26 January 2021

Scott Alisauskas’ new book “The Unsung Song”

"Following this is another standalone section containing eighty songs worth of lyrics inspired by Jim Morrison."



03 November 2020

We are saddened to hear about the passing of photographer, Baron Wolman.


"We are saddened to hear about the passing of photographer, Baron Wolman. Thank you for sharing your talents with the world, Baron. The images you captured will forever go down in Rock n’ roll history."



24 September 2020

Studio Owner recalls story of when Jim Morrison broke in after hours @ Sunset Sound Recorders.


Sunset Sound Owner Paul Camarata recalls the infamous night that Jim Morrison broke back into the recording studio...


23 September 2020

Jim Morrison et les Doors - Patrick Coutin

"Écrire sur l'un des héros de mon enfance, une musique qui m'a fabriqué, retrouver au passage mon ancien travail de journaliste Rock, autant de choses que je ne pensais pas croiser à nouveau."



related link (7 October 2020)

20 June 2020

Glen Campbell opens for the Doors

"Well, the first big gigs I played was with The Doors."


11 June 2020

John Densmore reads poetry for times of discomfort

"Friends, I recorded this a couple of months ago, but today in the L.A. Times a virus doctor said poetry is helping his patients. Now this 5-minute video doesn't seem dated... so here it is!"


10 June 2020

MORRISON HOTEL, a graphic novel

"In celebration of 50 years of MORRISON HOTEL, pre-order MORRISON HOTEL, a graphic novel, before it drops on October 13th.

Written by Leah Moore in collaboration with the surviving members of The Doors - and drawn by artists from around the comic book world - the MORRISON HOTEL anthology weaves the band’s influence into some of the lore that led to their status as the architects of counterculture.

Each Limited Deluxe Edition comes housed in a special slipcase with 3 9x14.5 art prints with images from the book. In addition, a certificate of authenticity signed by the writer Leah Moore will be included within the slipcase, and an exclusive 50th Anniversary Edition 12” picture disc of the complete MORRISON HOTEL album. The LP, which includes the classic “Roadhouse Blues,” features the original 1970 stereo mix remastered by The Doors' longtime engineer/mixer Bruce Botnick."


04 May 2020

Michael McClure obituary

"Having previously collaborated with Jim Morrison, lead singer of the Doors, McClure began working with the group’s keyboardist Ray Manzarek..."

The Guardian

25 March 2020

Guitar players...

"Guitar players - have you ever wanted to learn a Doors tune from the man himself? Grab your guitar, your amp, and tune in, because Robby Krieger will be giving a special video guitar lesson soon."